Table of contents
- Getting the Backside Without Bending Over Backwards
- Using the Same Razor on Your Face Could Kill You
- The Sharper the Blade, the Safer the Shave
- Your Sack Can Stretch. This Is a Good Thing
- Wearing Tight Underwear Is a Bad Idea
- Always Clean the Funk From Your Junk. Please!
- Moisturize When You Finish or Pay the Price
- Common Questions
You’ve decided to shave your balls. It’s a bold choice, and as ancient wisdom tells us, successful men are bold. But, why do we say that shaving the balls is bold? You know the answer.
You’re putting your boys in jeopardy. You could cut them. Even if you have a safe shave, you could get ingrown hairs, razor burn, and all kinds of other negative results.
I want to help you avoid all of that, so I’m going to share some industry secrets. These seven tips for shaving your balls aren’t discussed enough, and they can help you have a better shaving experience if you’re not sure how to shave your pubic hair correctly.

© Can Stock Photo / lofilolo
Getting the Backside Without Bending Over Backwards
One of the great challenges of manscaping is finding a way to get to parts of your body that are notoriously hard to reach and see. Under the balls, through the chode and across the butt, you need good ideas to shave safely.
Contrary to popular belief, none of this requires an advanced degree in yoga. Instead, you just need a little strategy. The plan is to sit, squat and kneel as you see fit. Grab a hand mirror, and keep it below your shaving area. This allows you to hover over the mirror and see what you’re doing. You can safely access every corner of your body without fear. It takes a tiny amount of practice and you’ll be good to go.
Using the Same Razor on Your Face Could Kill You
We get it, guys. Having multiple razors and grooming tools is a pain. That’s more you have to buy and maintain. Everything has to be cleaned and sharpened and replaced and etc. It’s still worth it because cross contamination is legitimately dangerous.
This is the most important of our tips for shaving your balls.
It works like this. You have bacteria all over your body, but for the most part, your body is adapted to live in harmony with that bacteria. The problem is that your body parts are specialized, so when bacteria that is fine in one area goes to a new area, the chance of infection rises by a lot.
Have you ever heard of E. coli poisoning? This happens when E. coli bacteria get into your bloodstream or upper G.I. tract. Here’s the thing. You have literal pounds of E. coli in your large intestine right now. It’s fine, but if it gets out of the large intestine, it could kill you.
The story is similar for the bacteria that call your balls home. They’re fine where they are, but when you are shaving pubic hair, they hitch a ride on the razor and could get to your face. This problem works both ways. If you want to avoid a deadly staph infection, don’t use the same razor above and below the waist.
The Sharper the Blade, the Safer the Shave
A lot of people understand this, but younger shavers are often surprised by this fact. You would think that a dull blade is less likely to cut you because it’s not as sharp. The irony is that this thinking is backward.
First off, a dull razor is still sharper than a steak knife, so it has no trouble at all slicing through your skin.
More importantly, razor blades become dull because the metal sustains damage. It gets bent, chipped and otherwise deformed. Those deformities snag on hair and skin, and that’s when you get a cut. Sharper blades are safer because they maintain a smoother glide. They cut with less resistance, and that means you have more control over the blade.
Your Sack Can Stretch. This Is a Good Thing
When it comes to shaving the balls in particular, you have to change your technique. When you shave your jawline, do you maintain the same head posture as when you shave your cheeks, or do you tilt your head and tighten your face? The reason you do it that way is that it makes a smooth surface for you to work the blade.
You can’t just tilt your ball sack and make it smooth. It’s a wrinkly little thing, so you have to get more forceful. As long as you take your time, though, you can use your free hand to pull the skin taught without hurting yourself. That creates a good shaving surface, and you can use your blade with much less risk. Stretch the sack if you want to avoid pain.
Wearing Tight Underwear Is a Bad Idea
Here’s the thing about shaving. No matter how good a job you do, it’s still really hard on the skin. The blade peels away layers of flesh and leaves countless microscopic cuts on your skin. It also slices the hair, creating sharp points where the hairs would otherwise be blunt.
Both of these issues contribute to razor burn. That’s when your skin gets red, bumpy and uncomfortable after a shave. As much as you hate it on your face and neck, it’s much worse on your balls.
If you wear tight underwear after a shave, you’re going to exacerbate that irritation and discomfort. You also increase the risk of a break out of ingrown hairs — a whole additional pain you don’t want.
The only reason to wear tight underwear is to exaggerate your bulge. You don’t need to do that because manscaping produces a superior visual effect. Wear the loose stuff and enjoy being comfortable.
If you need tight stuff for a workout, plan your manscaping so that you don’t have to do vigorous activity within 24 hours of shaving. Trust us on this.
Always Clean the Funk From Your Junk. Please!
You’d think humanity had reached a point where we don’t have to point out the obvious in terms of hygiene. That is not the case. If you shave dirty junk, your risk of infection skyrockets. We already talked about bacteria, so let’s add one fact. Showering reduces the amount of bacteria on your body that can harm you, so do that.
After you shave your clean junk, you want to do a follow-up cleaning. Whether you take a shower or just use a warm washcloth is up to you. The goal is to remove the hair clippings so they don’t assail you with fiery itching.
Moisturize When You Finish or Pay the Price
Moisturizer is your friend. It is the very most important tool for recovering from the ravages of shaving. It helps your skin grow and recover to a healthy state. It softens the skin and restores the moisture layer that is destroyed by the razor.
It also softens your hair follicles. This is super important because a close shave will cut the hair below the skin line. The skin will grow back, and as it does, it has to poke its way back through your skin. Soft hair does this gently and with little irritation. Coarse hair will cause razor bumps, itching and all of the unpleasantness associated with shaving.
Common Questions
How to remove hair from your balls without shaving?
You don’t ever have to shave your balls. You can just trim them. Modern trimmers can get as close as a shave with a lot fewer drawbacks. If you really want to be ultra-smooth, you can also look for groin-safe depilatories. Always test a cream before you use it on your balls, but if you find something that works for you, go for it.
How to stop itchy balls after shaving?
Three things will really help with itchy balls after you shave. First, wash yourself to get rid of the clipped hair. Second, moisturize to help the skin recover and to soften the hair follicles. Third, avoid tight clothing.
How to avoid cuts while shaving your balls?
The very best way to avoid shaving cuts is to use a razor carefully. If you insist on using one, make sure you always use a fresh, sharp blade. Use as few repeat strokes as possible (which means you should ditch multi-blade razors and stick to single-blade safety razors). Keep the skin taut, and take your time. Rinse the blade after every stroke. Do these things and you’ll have a better chance to skip bleeding when you shave.
Those are your secret tips for shaving your balls. Keep them in mind, and your ball shaving will be a lot more successful. Ignore them, and you’ll be in the comments section later warning all of the other guys not to repeat your mistakes. Guess how we learned all of this in the first place. You can be better; that’s why I try to help. With that in mind, here’s additional help with shaving your armpits.