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According to the IIHS, truck collisions account for 2.4% of all car accidents in the United States. It’s a myth that trucks are largely responsible for accidents as a whole, but it’s true that being hit by a truck often results in an injury or fatality. Of the 439,206 truck crashes in 2020, 108,000 were injured, and 4,014 people died, meaning 25% of accidents result in death or injury.
But even with these staggering numbers, they don’t come anywhere close to car accident injuries. Approximately 43% of all car accidents result in injuries. However, 0.7% of deaths are a result of car accidents, whereas 0.9% of deaths are from truck collisions—hardly a difference.
With that said, the difference is there, and many are quick to point fingers or over-exaggerate the problem. While it’s true that male truck drivers are more likely to get in a truck collision, the reasons for this difference may surprise you. But first, what do you do if you’re in an accident?

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What to do if You’re in a Truck Collision
No matter your gender, reacting quickly after a truck accident can ensure your safety and protect your legal rights. You should always stop your car, no matter how minor you think the accident might be. Always turn on your hazard lights and pull off to the side, if possible.
Whether you pulled off to the side or not, be sure to follow these steps:
- Check yourself and your other passengers for injuries
- Call 911 to request police and an ambulance (even if you aren’t injured)
- Get out of the car, write up a police report, and exchange info with the other driver
- If there are witnesses, ask for their names and contact information
- Take pictures of the scene, but don’t state that you were at fault
- Contact your insurance company as soon as possible
- Seek medical attention to collect medical records for a potential trial
If you were involved in a car accident with a truck and injured as a result, make sure to contact a local lawyer, like Munley Law, to receive compensation for your physical or mental injuries.
5 Reasons Why More Men Are Involved in Truck Accidents
Truck accidents are a serious concern for many people, especially since men are more likely to be involved in them. Here are some real reasons why more men are involved in truck accidents:
1. More Men Than Women
83% of truck drivers are male, making it one of the most male-dominated industries on the planet. If we just look at pure numbers, then men are more likely to get into truck accidents as there are more of them on the road, but do these numbers hold up when looking at gender?
2. Risk-Taking Behavior
Men are stereotyped for liking fast cars and motorcycles, but there’s a lot of truth to that. Just like there’s statistical proof that men are nearly 3 times more likely to die in a car crash than women. That’s because men are more likely to engage in risky driving behaviors on average.
Crashes involving male drivers are typically more severe, which is a big reason why men pay more for car insurance. Men need to slow down, avoid driving drunk, and wear seat belts if they want these numbers to improve. Otherwise, we’ll keep getting into fatal truck/car accidents.
3. Fatigue or Poor Health
Driver fatigue is often the cause of truck accidents, and men are more likely to work overtime to meet demand. This can cause traffic collisions, poor health and diet, and a sub-par work-life balance. If truckers don’t get enough rest, they may get distracted or fall asleep at the wheel.
4. Distracted Driving
Men are more likely to engage in distracted driving behaviors, such as using a cell phone or adjusting the radio while driving. This can be due to various reasons, such as a lack of attention to detail, multitasking, or not considering the consequences of these dangerous behaviors.
Unfortunately, alcoholism in the trucking industry is widespread, which may cause some truckers to drink on the job. Many men may feel they can get away with it, as the roads they’re driving on don’t require a lot of maneuverability. Even so, you should never drink and drive.
5. Lack of Proper Training
Men are also more likely to lack proper training for driving trucks, which can increase the risk of accidents. This is usually because their licensing doesn’t meet skill requirements. Proper training is essential for safe driving, and the lack of it can lead to more accidents involving men.
Bottom line
It’s important to note that these reasons are generalizations, and not all men are prone to these behaviors or will make bad choices. However, understanding these factors can help individuals and companies to take necessary precautions and steps to reduce the likelihood of accidents.