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Thread you eyebrows is not only a woman’s business, just like makeup. Men also want to have a nice look. Indeed, bushy, thick or overly thick eyebrows can give a sloppy appearance. However, when properly plucked, they give structure to the face.
But be careful not to overdo it. For that, I will detail, in this article, the steps to follow. It’s very simple to do, but you have to adopt the right technique.

© Can Stock Photo / deandrobot
When and how to thread your eyebrows when you are a man?
The best time to pluck your eyebrows is when you get out of the shower. With the heat of the water, the pores of the skin are dilated. The hairs will therefore leave more easily and the skin will be less stressed.
This hair removal requires a little bit of equipment: tweezers of course, a small brush (like a toothbrush for example) or a comb, small scissors, a ruler (used to mark the areas to be removed) and a pen.
To remove hair effectively, you need to grab the hair as close to its root as possible by stretching the skin between two fingers and pulling in the direction of the growth.
How do you structure your eyebrows when you are a man?
The first step in plucking eyebrows is to structure them. That is to say, you must first take care of their contours. To do this, a ruler (or any other object that can be substituted for it) is essential. You should start with the area between the two eyes.
To avoid over plucking, draw an imaginary line from the outer edge of the nostril to the inner corner of the eye. At this point, you can make a small mark. Do this for the right and left eye. All you have to do is pluck the area between the two marks.
Once you have done this, use the ruler to draw a new imaginary line starting at the outer edge of the nostril, but this time to the outer corner of the eye. All the hairs located after this line must be removed.
Drawing these imaginary lines is mandatory in order to have structured eyebrows. If you don’t do it, it is possible to end up with eyebrows that are too short, asymmetrical and not in line with the shape of your eyes. You will have to wait for the regrowth to rectify the mistakes.
Then, you can remove all the hairs underneath that are not part of the eyebrow line and those too far away.
How to thin your eyebrows when you are a man?
If you find your eyebrows too thick and bushy, I give you the steps to follow. First, you need to brush your eyebrows with your small brush or a comb, in the direction of hair growth. If you have trouble disciplining them, wet them slightly. Then, with your pair of scissors, cut the hairs sticking out of your eyebrow line.
The waxing itself is complete. But don’t forget to moisturize the waxed areas with a moisturizer or, even better, with Aloe Vera gel. This plant has moisturizing and antiseptic properties.
After you’ve done your eyebrow, you’ll notice that it makes your skin red. I therefore advise you not to do it just before going out. The day before is a much better time.
To avoid having too much work each time, maintain your eyebrows every 4-5 days by plucking the regrowth
Maintenant, que je vous ai donné toutes les astuces pour avoir de jolis sourcils, c’est à vous de rentrer en piste. Mais, si cela vous paraît trop compliqué et que vous avez peur de commettre des erreurs, surtout la première fois, vous pouvez prendre rendez-vous dans un salon d’esthétique. Ainsi, vous serez certains de ressortir avec des sourcils impeccables les gars!