You’re not born a parent, you become one with your child! Every stage of their journey, including the discovery and affirmation of their identity, is an opportunity to grow alongside them. Accompanying your child in this process is an essential role for any father or mother, a mutual apprenticeship based on listening, love and understanding. This is all the more true when this identity includes a sexual orientation outside heterosexual norms. Support then becomes all the more crucial.

Have you just learned of your son’s homosexuality, or has he not yet “come out”? Not sure how to react and support your son?

Rest assured, in this article I’ll be guiding you through the process in a caring and professional manner. I’ll help you to understand your child’s needs and give you the keys to creating an environment in which he can flourish.

coming out

First and foremost: accept and understand your child’s announcement!

When your son confides in you about his homosexuality, you’ll naturally feel a range of emotions: surprise, concern, questioning and, for many people, incomprehension. These reactions are normal and legitimate. So it’s essential to take a moment to welcome them, without judgment. You’re probably unaware of this, but the most important thing is how you react to your child.

Your first responsibility is to listen without interrupting! Even if you really want to, refrain during the announcement from asking intrusive questions or even immediately trying to “solve” anything. Your child is about to share an intimate part of himself with you. This trust deserves to be received with respect. You may not have all the answers to your own questions right away, but your unconditional support will be the most valuable answer for him.

Take the time to create a secure environment open to dialogue!

A gay child, just like any other individual on an identity journey, needs to feel not only understood, but also accepted at home. That’s why dialogue plays such a central role. Even when the subjects discussed seem difficult or unfamiliar, it’s important to encourage discussion. Don’t hesitate to ask open-ended questions to understand how your child really feels. In this way, you’ll be able to grasp his or her expectations, fears and aspirations.

If your child isn’t ready to talk further, make sure you don’t force the issue. It’s essential to respect his or her rhythm. Creating a safe space means, above all, showing your child that your love does not depend on his or her sexual orientation, but that it is unconditional.

Deconstruct your preconceived ideas and stereotypes!

Be aware that accompanying a gay child involves a great deal of personal work. It’s natural for you to have been influenced throughout your life by preconceived ideas and stereotypes about homosexuality. Most of the time, these prejudices are unconscious. If you don’t pay attention to them, however, they can damage your relationship with your child.

To avoid any blunders, take the time to ask yourself: what are your beliefs about homosexuality? What stereotypes might you be unconsciously reproducing? This introspection is essential if you are to adopt a neutral and benevolent stance. By informing yourself, reading or simply talking to people from the LGBT community, you’ll be able to develop a deeper, more authentic understanding of the issues your child may face.

Be aware of the specific challenges your child will face!

Being gay in a society still marked by heteronormativity can unfortunately expose your child to discrimination, harassment and isolation. To help your child face up to these challenges, it’s essential that you are aware of these realities! Don’t hesitate to show him again and again that you’re at his side to support him in the face of any injustice he may have to endure. This could, for example, include intervening in cases of bullying at school, helping your child build resilience in the face of negative comments, or seeking out appropriate resources. There are, in fact, LGBT support associations. As you can see, your role is not just to be a loving parent, but also an active ally.

Call on the right resources and surround yourself with the right people!

Parenting a gay child is certainly a new experience for you. That’s why it’s important not to be left alone with your own questions and doubts. In my opinion, the best solution is to seek out educational resources and support groups for parents of LGBT children. These will give you a great opportunity to share your experiences, ask questions and receive sound advice.

Hiring a life coach who specializes in these issues can also be an invaluable solution. Together, you’ll be able to explore your questions and, why not, identify appropriate strategies to support your child. In a word, this professional will give you all the cards to help you develop an even more assertive and caring posture.

Respect your child’s privacy and autonomy!

This advice may come as a surprise! However, it’s sometimes tempting to want to know everything about your child’s life, especially when it comes to a subject as intimate as sexual orientation. But it’s crucial that you respect your child’s privacy. Even if it’s difficult for you, especially at first, give your child the space to live out his or her identity in his or her own way.

Be a good listener, but avoid at all costs asking questions that are too personal or asking them to justify themselves. Respecting his autonomy also means allowing him to make his own choices, whether in his relationships or in the way he wishes to talk about his sexual orientation with other people.

Whatever happens, adopt a posture of love and patience!

Supporting a homosexual child is not a one-off event! It’s a long-term commitment. So it’s normal to experience moments of doubt and misunderstanding. Keep in mind, however, that what will make all the difference is your ability to keep moving forward together, hand in hand.


Remember that your child is in the process of building his or her identity, and this will necessarily take time. Love, patience and kindness must be the foundations of your relationship if it is to be solid and fulfilling. Show your son, through your actions as well as your words, that he can count on you, whatever happens.

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