Food and diet for men

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As part of my training, I regularly alternate periods of intense exercise, muscle mass gain, and lean. Even though I can’t really do this because of my thyroid problems, I will try to advise you.

In order to help you adopt the essential principles during these dietary adaptation cycles, I share with you my experience on these different diets.

What are the best foods to gain muscle mass?

I quickly realized that training alone was not enough to meet my muscle mass gain goals. Through professional coaching, I discovered that our metabolism also requires a special diet in addition to intensive workouts.

You must focus your diet on a sufficiently high protein intake. Indeed, muscle tissue is mostly composed of water and protein. So I don’t need to stress the importance of drinking plenty of fluids and consuming protein.

However, be careful not to completely eliminate fat from your diet: your body requires this nutrient to function properly and boost muscle regeneration mechanisms.

For my part, I prefer proteins of animal origin which have a higher absorption capacity by our body. The body can only store a limited amount of protein.

While focusing on protein and fat is crucial for muscle management, incorporating calorie smart dishes at your doorstep can make managing your dietary goals easier without compromising nutrition.

I therefore advise you to provide your metabolism with protein in a constant manner throughout the day by taking small regular intakes. Encourage protein intake before and after workouts! Recovery time is the best time for muscle rebuilding.

Fat and carbohydrates should not be neglected. Our body uses all three nutrients to keep our metabolism active and it is only through the combination of these three elements that your muscles can grow.

What diet should I follow to reach my lean goal?

When I start my weight loss program, I organize my day around several food intakes whose overall caloric intake allows me to burn fat in an infallible manner while maintaining the muscle mass I have acquired. Increasing your metabolism to lose fat is also an option to consider.

The calorie intake must necessarily be lower than the one dedicated to mass gain and decreases as the progress towards my goal. In general, when you start your diet program, be sure to provide your body with plenty of protein, good quality fats such as Omega 3, but in limited quantities and carbohydrates with a gradual decrease until you reach your goal.

An important point is also to hydrate yourself regularly. I drink between 2.5 and 3 liters of liquid per day during my dry periods. I also include the use of fat burners in order to overactivate my metabolism and create a caloric deficit to boost my fat burning.

Are diets dangerous for my health?

Diets only become a risk for your body if they are not properly managed. In the context of sports with intensive training, muscle mass gain and weight loss, I use professionals to help me. I have regular blood tests to make sure that my metabolism is adapting properly.

In general, diets to lose weight before the summer can be dangerous because of the deficiencies they can induce for uninformed individuals. When it comes to sports, we are talking more about a balanced diet for a specific objective.

To be sure not to harm your body, do not hesitate to talk to your dietician.

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