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We all would like to have a dream body. But in reality, we generally don’t have enough time for it. Few of us go regularly to the gym, few of us pay attention to our diet to avoid a few extra pounds.
In short, sculpting an Apollo’s body remains too often an utopia. However, there are a few tools that can help us to have a 6 pack to dazzle on the beach and fight back pain: muscle stimulators are among these weapons. Among these, the Compex Corebelt 3.0 has made a name for itself as a way to build up abdominal muscles and also to take care of your back, thanks to the electrodes on the front and the back of the belt!
Who is Compex?
Compex creates muscle stimulators. This device is an abdominal belt whose purpose is to develop the abdominal muscles (rectus abdominis, obliques and transversus abdominis). These muscles are the ones that give rise to the famous chocolate bar that is so appreciated, but also to a shapely waist.
Maintaining this muscle group at its best means developing muscle mass and therefore playing on the membrane that surrounds these muscles. It’s a kind of constriction that gives that special appearance that every man would like to have!
Having a well-maintained abdominal belt can also have an important role on health. Well-muscled abs allow for better support of the vertebrae (and therefore, no more back pain), facilitate trunk movements, ensure an excellent connection between the upper and lower body (very useful for athletes), and let’s not forget that well-maintained abs also play a role in the respiratory system (air is better evacuated) and keep the viscera in place in an optimal manner.
In addition to aesthetics, well-muscled abs can therefore reduce pain, decrease the risk of injury, reduce fatigue and improve the speed of recovery after physical effort.
Compex is a Swiss company that is an expert in the field of electro-stimulation, which I have had the opportunity to introduce to you several times on this site.
I would like to remind you what these tools consist of? It is very simple. The electric power will create more or less intense and repeated impulses. The muscles will therefore work both on the surface and in depth. Nevertheless, as for a classic sports session, for this to be effective, you must be regular.
The electric power will send a message via electrodes that are placed on the area to be strengthened. These will work the muscles in the same way as a basic physical exercise. By regularly working these muscles, they will develop. It’s quite simple, but we had to think about it!
Because the advantage of the system is that you can put your belt on under your sweater and do something else while working out. No more excuses for not doing your ab session every day.
A complete catalog of electrostimulation devices
Compex has designed different models of abdominal belts to suit everyone. The Corebelt range is particularly dedicated to abdominal muscle work, but also to the lumbar region.
The Corebelt 3.0 belt, the best selling belt, offers 6 distinct pre-recorded programs, three of which are for abs only (refining, toning and sculpting), two of which are for abs and lower back (training and strengthening) and one of which is dedicated to the lower back (strengthening)
It is possible to customize the workout plans according to your desires and needs. The application available with this tool allows you to precisely manage the intensity of the worked area, to follow your progress or to share your sessions. It is therefore an easy and complete tool that allows you to shape your abs and refine your stomach. The results are fast and the belt is very easy to use. Two sizes are available and Velcro fasteners allow for easy adjustment. This model is the most sold of the range.
It offers a light workout, ideal for complementing classic ab sessions for a faster result. The device is controlled very easily from your smartphone (Android or Os) with a dedicated App.
The belt is very comfortable thanks to the Dermodry fabric that will retain perspiration. The electrodes are long-lasting and the device has a great autonomy (a two-hour charge allows you to use it for two weeks).
Do the stimulator belts build up the abs?
The big question is to know if these electro-stimulation devices really play a role in building up the abdominal muscles without doing any sport. What these devices promise is to be able to build muscle without effort. A dream come true! But does it really work? So I did my research on the subject.
Let’s take, for example, the Corebelt 3.0. The tool comes with :
- a belt
- a control unit
- 4 electrodes
- a charger
- a carrying pouch
- a manual
The use of Corebelt 3.0 is primarily aimed at strengthening the sheathing and muscle toning. With it, you can sculpt your abdominal belt without taking the head and according to the manufacturer get chocolate bars without fatigue.
That’s what it promises. Compex indicates that the results appear after six weeks at a rate of 3 sessions (at least) per week. It is possible to supplement these exercises by doing targeted physical exercises (static chest raising or with lateral movements, front plank) during these electro-stimulation sessions.
The results will obviously depend on the regularity, but also on the intensity which will affect the contractions. Well, even if we all want to make rapid progress, it is essential to go gradually. If you don’t, you’ll hurt your muscles too much (you don’t want to do 4 hours of weight training on the first session!). It will thus be necessary to gradually increase the power of the impulses.
With the Corebelt 3.0, as with all Compex equipment, it is the intensity that determines the number of muscle fibers involved
It is these fibers that will shape the abs when working. It is therefore essential to choose an appropriate intensity (to put it simply, you must feel them, but not turn them into a torture session!)
As your muscles get used to it, you will also have to increase the intensity according to your progress. But there is no need to progress too quickly. You start with level 1 and then, once it is no longer “painful”, you move on to level 2 and then level 3. The speed of progress will depend on the program, but also on the number of sessions and their duration (a Coreblet session lasts on average 25 minutes).
For quality results, it is essential to increase the intensity of your ab belt with regularity. You can change the intensity during a session or between two sessions. It is recommended to start with an intensity level of 100 and work your way up to 199!
Well, that’s all very well, but the result?
Electro-stimulation belts have been very successful, but also very critical. Of course, these devices will not turn you into a muscleman with a snap of the fingers! Even if the abdominal muscles work, they will not become the perfect chocolate bar, especially if you do not make any effort on the side, such as your diet.
This type of belt is indeed more effective when worn during sport. Indeed, only 60% of fibers work if you sit in front of the TV with your belt. 98% are active when the belt is worn during a sports session. It is also necessary to take care of your hygiene in general. A balanced diet is essential for it to be more effective.
One session is equivalent to approximately 120 abs, which corresponds to an abdominal resistance of 72%. It is therefore a possibility to strengthen your abdominal belt as long as you don’t let yourself go.
I therefore advise you to integrate this belt into a well thought-out program combining a healthy diet and regular physical exercise. And above all, don’t give up, because it takes time to sculpt a dream body!