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So, if you do find yourself with a day or even a weekend to do whatever you want with, it can feel intimidating to know how to utilise that time properly.
Not knowing whether you should call your mum or play on the new craps game on Virgin Games can leave you just sitting on your sofa feeling too overwhelmed. That’s why we’ve put this list together for you so you can try and structure your time off in a productive way.

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Here some activities to do at home :
1. Get organized
Getting organized might not be top of your personal list of things to do but it can be a very useful way to spend your time. Have you ever heard of the phrase, tidy room, tidy mind? Well, that does typically ring true.
Living in a space where everything has its own space can help de clutter your thoughts and leave you feeling more relaxed. And the more relaxed you feel in your home, the more of a home you will feel. There’s nothing worse than coming back to a house that makes you feel even more stressed than work does.
You can take this task one room at a time to make it more manageable. Why not take this as an opportunity to listen to your favorite playlist while you tidy? This will keep you happy and motivated whilst you work.
Or maybe there’s a podcast you’ve been meaning to listen to but haven’t gotten round to yet? Take this opportunity to listen to it whilst you organise. This way, your mind is occupied with something fun whilst you do something productive.
2. Online entertainment
If you’re already living an organized dream, then you might be looking for something a bit more entertaining. This can come in whatever form you prefer.
If you love nothing more than sitting on the sofa with Netflix and watching an entire mystery documentary, now is your time to settle in. Maybe it’s raining outside and you can think of nothing worse than going outside. Well, now is the time to take advantage of not having to go anywhere. Settle in with your favorite show and unwind.
Or maybe you’re an avid gamer. Why not take this time you have to play the newest game out there? There could be a new game that you’ve never played before because you haven’t had enough time to get stuck into it. Well, there’s no time like the present!
3. Find your creative side
If you’re looking to get more in touch with your creative side, now is the time. Maybe you’ve been looking for an excuse to start painting or drawing. It’s a chance to get those paints out that you got for Christmas and finally crack them open.
Or maybe you’ve been wanting to start a project around the house. You might have been inspired to make something for the garden or finally build that bit of Ikea furniture you’ve been putting off. This is the time to get stuck into it.
Put on your favorite tunes and get stuck into your creative side. You can relax and get into full flow without having to worry about being limited by time. You might even find a new passion that you can get into on a regular basis.
4. Get cooking
Cooking for yourself can feel like a long and drawn out process when you have limited time. When you get home from work, all you want to do is chill out and eat but having to cook everything can feel like a laborious task.
So why not take this extra time you have to make something delicious for yourself for the week. You could make a batch of meals that you can enjoy whenever you need them. Why not make something you can put in the freezer? That way, you’ve got something you can enjoy whenever you need it and you don’t have to worry about it going off.
5. Relax
Another great way to utilise this time is to just relax. Why not run yourself a long and luxurious batch with the fragrance bubble bath, light some candles and catch up on some reading.
You could always get some self care going and do a face mask or give yourself a pedicure. Taking good care of your mind and body can have loads of benefits both physically and mentally. You’ll feel more relaxed in the moment as well as being prepared for anything in the week ahead.
Knowing what to do in your spare time can feel like an intimidating task. Now you’ve got some great ideas, which one is top of your list?