Committed to men of any age who have an enthusiasm for finding, making or upgrading their style, wellbeing, clothing and habits.
Since 2015 I try to help my readers and I publish posts on all useful subjects: : Men fashion tips, grooming tips, men's hait color, body shaving and lifestyle discoveries. Also, I publish posts to help you get abs and workout your body.
How to shave your beard ? How to dress for a wedding ? How to workout your calves ? Let me help you with my blog !
A Travel blog to discover more !
My blog also has the best advice for traveling to Europe and the United States. As a French native living in Las Vegas, I have learned many travel tips, so I share valuable information to allow you to go on vacation without worrying. I have to posts to tell you how earn more Delta Skymiles and travel more and for free !
As Sir Winston Churchill has said, “True gains happen when a man is challenged to be better than his former self…while still being gracious to his fellow man.”
Today, there is no better harnessing of technology to live out that credo than visiting blogs designed for men. Whether you’re a guy who wants to improve his health, his wealth, or simply dress with the times—there’s a blog for that.
Many men today have a handful of blogs that they religiously follow. But, if you’re not yet one of them, read on for the compelling reasons why you might consider changing this habit. Yes, it can be tough to trade the one precious commodity we have—time—in order to (gasp) read, but the value that a few carefully curated sites can offer is great.
Here’s just a handful of the ways in which blogs can level up your life by providing resources about the following:
Finance— Maybe you need to climb out of debt, maybe you're ready for investing advice, or in search of ways to retire young, but in the age of info, there’s something for every financial demographic out there.
Style— Look good, feel good. That about covers it. But the ways in which you can develop your own style are confusing. Blogs can help.
Gadgets/Gear— Blogs focusing on this topic can quickly take you down a rabbit hole…or connect you with technology that will free up time. Happy hunting.
Lifestyle Improvements— Admit it, you’re not perfect. Well, neither are a whole bunch of other men (read: everyone), but there’s a select few who have found ways to enhance your own life experience, and may succeed in teaching you a thing or two about adulting while they’re at it.
Health— Besides the obvious improvements to your fitness, nutrition, and mindset, a great number of blogs now provide info on parenting, sexual practices, and mental health, too.
Hygiene/Grooming— Ahem, we actually do notice that nose hair you think no one can see. But don’t worry, tips on shaving, aging, and hair loss are only a click away.
Besides the information gleaned from regular blog-reading, perhaps an even more important aspect of following the ones that speak to you, is that you get to speak back. Connecting with other humans—the like-minded kind—is a powerful tool provided by social media, and one of the things often overlooked about blogs.
Message boards, comment threads and crowd-sourcing are all ways in which blogs can bring you more than just words on paper (or screen, as it is today). Whether you find a group locally that’s into the same kind of mountain biking as you, or whom all prefer to shape and twist their hipster beards just so, belonging to a community is a priceless way to better your life.
Ask any professional blogger, and they would agree: building a thriving and engaged community is ALWAYS the goal. And in today’s world, where the local pub or other meeting space may not be accessible to all men, blogs provide an essential aspect to our social structure. Hope you will enjoy my blog guys !